逃げる風景”Landscape to Escape”
2014 November galerie 16(Kyoto)
ジェスパー・ホフマイヤー *「生命記号論 宇宙の意味と表象」/ジェスパー・ホフマイヤー (松野孝一郎+高原美規 訳 青土社)
身体に溶けつつ何かを送り続けるが、摩耗せず圧倒的な存在感を示しつづけている。 それは手の届くところに接していて浸透し続けているが、予測しない瞬間に切なさや憧憬を強く感じさせるのはなぜだろう。
Landscape is everything outside the body.
It continues to send something while dissolving into the body, but it does not wear out and continues to show an overwhelming presence. It continues to permeate, in contact with the reach of the hand, but why does it make us feel a strong sense of wistfulness and longing at unpredictable moments?
Human perception is not a sharp distinction between the reactions of the sensory organs. At times, they are integrated and felt as if they are looking down on the world, and at other times they are separated and analysed, unconsciously moving back and forth throughout the body without boundaries.
On the other hand, emotions, which are the motivation for expression, are triggered by these perceptual exchanges and seep out irregularly, referring to and interpreting experience and knowledge. The germination of such expression is stored in memory as a story with diverse parts and connections.
The subject of expression is the story, and presenting a work of art means presenting the interpreted story to the world.
By presenting a way of experiencing the world and at the same time sharing it with others, I believe I can bring about a universal experience. However, even if we continue to present stories, there is still an endless landscape that goes on forever.
“「”波頭(Crest of a Wave)” 1,303(h)×3,240(w)mm (F100×2) acrylic paint (2014)
“ふるえるうちに(While I shake)” 1,303(h)×1,620(w)mm (F100) acrylic paint (2014)
“Nightfall” 1,303(h)×1,620(w)mm (F100) acrylic paint , marker pen(pigment) (2014)
“高台から(From the Hill)”
318(h)×410(w)mm(F6) acrylic paint,marker pen(pigment)(2014)
「水の庭」500×606 mm (F12) acrylic on canvas,pigment-pen
「月の夜」530×455mm (F10) acrylic on canvas,pigment-pen
「浮遊する草」182×257mm (B5) pigment-penon paper
「水盤のための習作」182×257mm (B5) pigment-penon paper