休廊5/27(月) 11時~17時
-Warm Rain – 暖雨
今回のタイトル「暖雨 -Worm Rain-」は季節が春に移る時に降る雨です。この「暖雨」という響きに変わらない日常が、実は常に変化し続けているという象徴的な意味をこめました。
流れる水、揺れ動く空間、 景色のようなものが現れるまで絵具を薄く何度も重ねます。
同時に具体的な草花や風景の姿を線描で描き加えています。これは見る人の記憶を探るきっかけになる仕掛けでもあります。 また金、銀の箔のキャンバス地とは異なる響きとともに、深い画面は照明や自然光で変化します。
Warm Rain
My motivation for creating this work is to express ‘the space and emotions that keep shifting and changing’.
My paintings, in which colour surfaces, lines and margins create echoes outside the picture plane, refer to the pictorial space of the Rimpa school and aim to develop it in a new way.
The title of this exhibition, ‘Warm Rain’, refers to the rain that falls when the season changes to spring. The sound of ‘warm rain’ has the symbolic meaning that everyday life, which never changes, is in fact constantly changing.
I apply thin layers of paint until something like flowing water, shimmering space or landscape appears.
At the same time, I add concrete figures of plants, flowers and landscapes in line drawings. This is a device that triggers the viewer to explore their memories. The deep screen also changes with lighting and natural light, with a different resonance from the gold and silver foil on canvas.
TEL/FAX 078-392-9638
Open 12:00 / Close 18:00
JR/阪神 元町駅 東口より徒歩3分